Get ZOOM! Teeth Whitening for a Bright Summer Smile

There is no comparison to the bright summer sun. The light it gives off is white and stunning, so it makes sense if you want your teeth to look the same way. If you’re reflecting on the best ways to improve your smile in time for the warmest months of the year, it’s time to learn more about ZOOM! teeth whitening and find out if you’re a good candidate.

Comfortable and Easy

If you’ve tried to whiten your teeth using over-the-counter products, you’ve undoubtedly encountered some discomfort along the way. Because these items are not customized to your teeth, they need to be made to fit all shapes and sizes – that means you’re susceptible to sensitivity, even if you’re careful about application.

A ZOOM! teeth whitening treatment from your Louisville cosmetic dentist, on the other hand, is personalized to your mouth alone. All precautions are taken to prevent you from experiencing any discomfort.

Immediate Results

ZOOM! teeth whitening delivers dramatic results in just one dental visit. Imagine walking into your Louisville dentist’s office with stained and dingy teeth and walking out with bright teeth that are multiple shades whiter.

Here is how the treatment works:

  • Prep: Desensitizing gel, cheek retractors, and cotton rolls are placed to prevent the bleaching agents from causing irritation.
  • Application: The concentrated whitening gel is applied carefully to the teeth.
  • Activation: A laser light is positioned on the teeth to activate the whitening process, lift stains, and brighten tooth enamel.

If necessary, the application and activation steps are repeated until your teeth reach the optimal shade of white. The treatment time takes about an hour total, but will vary depending on each patient.

Perfection Is Not Necessary

Some people choose not to pursue professional teeth whitening because they don’t have perfect teeth. If you think this way, you’re missing out on an amazing cosmetic dentistry upgrade. Know this: Whitened teeth create the illusion of perfect teeth, so even if you have gaps, crooked teeth, or other imperfections, they will fade to the background when your teeth are super white.

Are You a Good Candidate for ZOOM! Teeth Whitening?

Professional teeth whitening is popular because it’s fast, affordable, and lasts for years with proper upkeep. It is not, however, right for everyone. Your dentist will examine your teeth to determine if your tooth enamel can be whitened. Some patients have built-up stains that can be blasted away with professional-grade bleaching – but other patients have natural discoloration that cannot be erased with even the most powerful whitening product.

In cases where enamel color cannot be altered, all is not lost. There are other cosmetic dentistry solutions, including porcelain veneers, porcelain crowns, and dental bonding. In other words, white teeth are possible for everyone, you just might not get there in the way you initially expected.

Get ZOOM! Teeth Whitening in Louisville, KY

If you have strong, healthy teeth and gums that are free from decay and infection, you’re on the right path to an amazing smile makeover that makes you look happier, healthier, and even younger. Make an appointment at Natural Smiles with Dr. Kiran Gill to find out if ZOOM! teeth whitening can work for you.

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4010 Dupont Circle, Suite 469,
Louisville, KY 40207

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