Your Most Beautiful Smile Awaits!

Natural Smiles • Jan 30, 2017

Today, more than ever, a beautiful white smile is considered normal and necessary. Sad to say, but first appearances still count for a lot. Your smile can strongly affect your success in both your occupation and your social life.
If you’ve been too embarrassed to smile or laugh loudly due dingy or stained teeth; or if your teeth are chipped, cracked, or misaligned, count on Dr. Kiran Gill at Natural Smiles to give you the smile of your dreams!
Dr. Gill is highly trained in all forms of cosmetic dentistry and prides herself on providing the most advanced approaches and best possible outcomes for her patients. She’s a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the American Academy of Facial Esthetics, Academy of General Dentistry, and the American Dental Association.

Cosmetic Dentistry for the Win!
Cosmetic dentistry is the discipline of making your smile beautiful. While it’s an established discipline on its own, cosmetic dentistry is often used together with restorative dentistry to create a mouth that is both beautiful and fully functional.
Here are some cosmetic dentistry options that can make your smile something that you’ll be proud to show.

Teeth Whitening
If you’ve tried over-the-counter whitening agents, you’ve probably been disappointed in the results. The professional whitening systems available through Natural Smiles are in a completely different class and deliver superior results.
Zoom teeth whitening: This remarkable whitening systems uses a laser-activated whitening gel to remove stains and whiten your tooth enamel. It’s a very effective treatment that takes a single session in the chair.  KöR teeth whitening: Designed with your teeth in mind, this whitening system includes a special agent to help avoid tooth sensitivity due to the gel. KöR can whiten your smile by as much as 16 shades! If you’re looking for a dramatic transformation to your smile, consider KöR teeth whitening.

Dental Veneers
Veneers are ultra-thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded to the fronts of your teeth. Veneers cover cracks, chips, stains, discolorations, and any other surface problems to give you a flawless smile. They can even cover some gaps between teeth.
The porcelain is translucent, like your natural teeth, so veneers present a completely natural appearance. You can have one or more veneers that match the shade of your existing teeth, or completely transform your smile with a full set of veneers.

Invisalign Clear Dental Aligners
Crooked or misaligned teeth affect the beauty of your smile, but most people are reluctant to endure the embarrassment of traditional metal braces and wires.
Instead of metal brackets and wires, Invisalign uses a series of clear plastic aligners that gently move your teeth into the correct position over time. The aligners are almost impossible to detect when you’re wearing them, and they’re far more convenient than braces. You remove them to eat and to care for your teeth.
Invisalign can address a wide variety of dental issues. Dr. Gill will be able to tell you whether Invisalign is right for your needs.

Get Started on Your Most Beautiful Smile!
Don’t let your smile hold you back in life. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Gill by calling Natural Smiles today at 502-804-5420. You can also use our convenient online form to schedule an appointment. 
Dr. Gill and all of us at Natural Smiles will help you achieve your most beautiful smile

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Louisville, KY 40207

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